Our Next Bushwalk: Saturday April 13th
Pengana - Long Ridge Loop
Weather permitting, we plan to park at the Cleland Wildlife Park and do a loop, steeply down hill on the Pengana Spur Track, then climb not quite so steeply through Woolshed Gully along the Winter Track to Long Ridge, and follow this ridge back to Cleland. Estimated distance, 7 kms.
Meet at the church at 9:00am. We should be back by midday or soon after.
Email office@glenungachurch.com.au if coming. (If we know you are coming then you’ll be advised if bad weather postpones the walk.)

Our Next Bushwalk: Saturday May 6th
Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens
Weather permitting, let’s go and check out the autumn colours at the Mt Lofty Botanic Gardens. There are heaps of trails to choose from, ranging from easy to quite steep. There is much of nature’s beauty to enjoy as well. We’ll park near the lake at the bottom. You can simply stroll round the lake, or take one of the many trails to the top.
Meet at the church at 9:30am. Heading for home at 1:30pm after picnic lunch. BYO.
Email office@glenungachurch.com.au if coming. (If we know you are coming then you’ll be advised if bad weather postpones the walk.)

Our Next Bushwalk: Saturday April 1st
Jupiter Creek Gold Diggings
Weather permitting (ie if it’s not too hot, and not too cold & wet), we are planning to check out the interesting old Gold Diggings near Echunga. You can expect a fairly leisurely 1¼ hour walk through the bush, taking time to look at things and read the interpretive signs. The walk is only about 2.5 kms, unless we find some extra detours for more exploration.
Bring some morning tea to share. We can pause somewhere for a picnic and pretend that we have travelled back in time, imagining what it would have been like to live there when the gold mines were humming with activity.
Meet at the church at 9:00am. It will take us ½ hour to drive there.
We are likely to be back at the church soon after midday.
Email office@glenungachurch.com.au if coming. (If we know you are coming then you’ll be advised if bad weather postpones the walk.)

For Walking Group - Saturday March 18th
River Torrens Stroll: From Bonython Park, towards the city and back
On Saturday 18th March we plan to stroll alongside the lovely River Torrens from the free car park at Bonython Park. When we have walked far enough we will cross the river and walk back on the other side.
Lunch at the church will follow for those who would like to stay. Bring some lunch to share if you would like to.
Meet at the church at 9:00am.
We will try to be back for lunch by 12:30pm.
Email office@glenungachurch.com.au if coming. (If we know you are coming then you’ll be advised if bad weather postpones the walk.)

A Day’s Outing on Saturday February 18th
Victor Harbor Trip
We meet at 9:00am and will be back just before 5:00pm, all being well.
We need to know if you are coming. (And also if you can supply a car)
We will need to be well organised with all the cars, and it is suggested if you are not driving your own car that you pay $10 for petrol, so that we can offer some money to the drivers.
Here are the plans:
Meet at the church at 9:00am
Drive to Victor Harbor. Hopefully arrive by 10:40am
Buy train tickets. Morning tea time.
11:00am… Ride the Cockle Train to Port Elliot. (Cost $10 for adults. $5 children under 16)
Strolling and exploring around Port Elliot
Lunch in Port Elliot. (Buy some, or bring your own.)
Walk along the coast back to Victor Harbor. 6.2 kms
Relaxing and sightseeing in Victor Harbor if there is any time left.
Head for home at 3:30pm.
Arrive home about 4:45pm or a bit after.
Please email office@glenungachurch.com.au if you are coming.

Steub Trail
Saturday February 4th
The weather for this Saturday sounds like a perfect autumn day for a lovely bushwalk. The plan is to meander our way around the pleasant Steub Trail near the top of Mt Lofty. The total walk will be about 6½ km and is likely to take us 2 hours, not counting time for a break in the middle at the Café at the Cleland Wildlife Park.
The Steub Trail zig-zags back and forth and is designed so that there are no steep sections.
Meet at the church at 9:00am. We should be back at the church around 12:30pm.
Email office@glenungachurch.com.au if coming. (If we know you are coming then you’ll be advised if there are any changes. We can also make sure there are enough cars.)

Waitpinga Beach to Kings Beach
For Walking Group…
An Outing to Victor Harbor
Saturday November 19th
Weather permitting, we are planning a longer walk than normal along a very beautiful part of the Heysen Trail. We will see spectacular sea cliffs that drop away to the southern ocean, as well as some good bushland walking through the Newland Heads Conservation Park.
Meet at the church at 9:00am. We will aim to be back around 5:00pm
Bring your own drinks, snacks and also lunch to eat along the way.
Email office@glenungachurch.com.au if coming. (If we know you are coming then you’ll be advised if bad weather postpones the walk.)

Sturt Gorge, from Murrays Hill Rd
Saturday October 29th
Weather permitting, we are going to dive into the lovely Sturt Gorge.
First we walk along the top of the Gorge and check out the view and the kangaroos. Then we descend steeply into the Gorge and walk along the lovely Sturt Creek, crossing the creek three times on stepping stones. So this is for those who are sure-footed. The trail is often undulating, so you need to be relatively fit to join this walk. Length of walk: 6.4 kms
Meet at the church at 9:00am. We should be back by 12:45 – 1:00pm.
Bring some lunch to share if you would like to stay and relax together at the church – that part is an optional extra. All welcome.
Email office@glenungachurch.com.au if coming. (If we know you are coming then you’ll be advised if bad weather postpones the walk.)

Scott Creek: Stringybark-Shingleback Loop
Saturday September 24th
Weather permitting, here is a great chance to stretch out our legs in the expansive Scott Creek Conservation Park.
The walk is undulating at times. Be ready for a bit of uphill work. It is likely to take us about 2½ hours. Let’s see if we can find the ‘Twisted Chimney’ which is all that remains of an old house, now tucked away deep in the bush.
Meet at the church at 9:00am.
Bring some lunch to share if you would like to stay and relax together back at the church – that part is an optional extra. All welcome.
Email office@glenungachurch.com.au if coming. (If we know you are coming then you’ll be advised if bad weather postpones the walk.)

Morialta Falls
Saturday September 10th
Weather permitting, let’s check out the lovely Morialta Falls. This walk (with several options of different trails) is one of the best that there is around Adelaide.
Meet at the church at 9:00am. We hope to be back by 12:30pm.
The walk will be 6-7 kms, and will most likely take about 2½ hours. It involves some sturdy climbing work, great views and good photo opportunities.
Easier Option: There is the opportunity for a leisurely, mostly level-ground stroll to the bottom of the main waterfall. This is only about one kilometre.
Bring some lunch to share if you would like to stay and relax together back at the church – that part is an optional extra. All welcome.
Email office@glenungachurch.com.au if coming. (If we know you are coming then you’ll be advised if bad weather postpones the walk.)

Chambers Gully - Woolshed Gully
Saturday August 27th
Weather permitting, we are doing a local walk this time. Chambers Gully is only 4.5 kms from the church. The length of the loop we will walk is just under 6 kms. There is quite a good chance of seeing koalas or kangaroos on this walk.
This walk does involve a bit of uphill work. We head into Chambers Gully, then climb to the top via a skinny track around the Sugar Loaf. We’ll reach the top, admire the view over the city, and then descend into Woolshed Gully. This takes us back to the road, and about a one kilometre walk back to our cars.
Meet at the church at 9:00am. We should be back around 12:00pm.
If you wish: Bring some lunch with you and we can share food and eat together back at the church.
Email office@glenungachurch.com.au if coming. (If we know you are coming then you’ll be advised if bad weather postpones the walk.)

Mark Oliphant Conservation Park
Saturday August 13th
Weather permitting, we are planning to explore a relatively new Park near Adelaide. There are 3-4 trails in the Mark Oliphant Conservation Park. Sometimes they are undulating involving a bit of hill climbing, but most of the walking won’t be too difficult. We are likely to walk about 4-5 kms.
Meet at the church at 9:00am. We should be back around 12:00pm.
If you wish: Bring some lunch with you and we can share food and eat together back at the church.
Email office@glenungachurch.com.au if coming. (If we know you are coming then you’ll be advised if bad weather postpones the walk.)